Student Library Service Bookplate Program - Dartmouth Class of 2014

The Student Library Service Bookplate Program honors the Library's graduating student employees by inviting them to choose books and other items for the Library's collections.

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Berry Library Main Street
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Andrea Bartelstein

The Student Library Service Bookplate Program honors the Library's graduating student employees by inviting them to choose books and other items for the Library's collections. Each item will receive a bookplate that acknowledges the student's selection and honors his or her service to the Library. Students are eligible if they worked at least two terms in any Library department (including RWIT, The Student Center for Research, Writing and Information Technology). The Library will honor nearly seventy students from the class of 2014 with selections ranging from world fiction, cookbooks, and DVDs to children's books, inspirational works, and historical scholarship.

This exhibit highlights the selections of fourteen of our graduating student employees: Ala' Alrababa'h • Jenny Che • Kathleen Chung • Erik Fagerstrom • Taylor Johnson • Malcolm Leverett • Andrew Longhi • Diana Ming • Juliana Park • Karl Schutz • Isana Skeete • Shaozhong Wang • Shermaine Waugh • Kelly Wood

Many thanks to the graduating students who volunteered to participate in this exhibit, and to Greg Potter, Research and Information Desk Coordinator, and Goodie Corriveau, Acquisitions Assistant, for their help in organizing the students and their selections.

Exhibit & poster design: Dennis Grady, Library Education & Outreach.

Berry Main Street: June 4 - August 31, 2014

Berry Library Main Street
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Andrea Bartelstein