LGBTQIA+ Meditation Group
Join Kieran ‘23 (he/him) for an LGBTQIA+ affinity meditation group for all who identify as LGBTQIA+ to practice mindfulness together, build community, and find inner peace.
Tucker Meditation Room (201 N Fairbanks)
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Student Wellness Center
Join Kieran ‘23 (he/him) in the Tucker Meditation Room at 4:30pm on Wednesdays this term for an LGBTQIA+ affinity meditation group.
The LGBTQIA+ Meditation Group is a new Student Wellness Center affinity group for all who identify as LGBTQIA+ to practice mindfulness together, build community, and find inner freedom. Each meeting includes guided meditations and time for group discussions.
Whether you are brand new to meditation, a long term practitioner, or something in between, all who identify as LGBTQIA+ are welcomed.
Tucker Meditation Room (201 N Fairbanks)
Sponsored by
Student Wellness Center