Physics & Astronomy Colloquium - Prof. Douglas Finkbeiner, Harvard
Title: "The Search for WIMP Dark Matter: New Approaches to Stubborn Problems"
Wilder 104
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Physics & Astronomy Department
Abstract: The search for weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter is now a few decades old, and we have impressive limits, but no discovery. WIMPs could show themselves in the sky, deep underground, and at particle colliders. Heroic efforts have been made in all three areas, and we now know a great deal about what dark matter is NOT. I will discuss a major obstacles to discovering WIMP signals in the gamma-ray sky -- the diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission -- and how we can make progress in that area. I will also introduce the subhalo lensing problem, and describe a new approach -- transdimensional inference -- that could revolutionize efforts in that area.
Wilder 104
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Physics & Astronomy Department