Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Funds Lung-disease Research at Dartmouth


Under a four-year grant of almost $1.4 million from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Bruce A. Stanton, PhD, will lead a team of Dartmouth investigators in developing new approaches to the treatment of patients with the genetic disease that triggers chronic and life-threatening infection of the lungs.

The funding extends the foundation’s long-term support of research and development in cystic fibrosis at Dartmouth’s Lung Biology Center of Biomedical Research Excellence, which taps the talents of a wide range of Dartmouth’s clinicians and basic scientists. Stanton, holder of the Andrew C. Vail Memorial Professorship at Dartmouth Medical School, will use a portion of the first-year’s funding for a project in cell biology and imaging.

Read the full press release from Dartmouth Medical School.

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