Dartmouth Discovery: Grants


Dartmouth researchers were awarded $2.1 million in new and competing awards during December 2012, as reported by the Office of Sponsored Projects.

Todd Heatherton, the Lincoln Filene Professor in Human Relations in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, is one of the investigators working on a project sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)

December 2012 Research Awards

Award commitment from the sponsoring agency is for a single year unless otherwise indicated.

Kristen Anton—Community and Family MedicineSponsoring agency: Jet Propulsion Laboratory Project: “JPL Early Detection Research Network”

William Green—Microbiology and ImmunologySponsoring agency: VERANNE Project: “Lathrop JPA”

Auden McClure—PediatricsSponsoring agency: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Project: “New Media Alcohol Marketing and Adolescent Drinking” Five-year project

Mark McGovern—PsychiatrySponsoring agency: Veterans Administration Project: “IPA Hamblen Grant FY13 (McGovern)”

William North—PhysiologySponsoring agency: Woomera Therapeutics, Incorporated Project: “Targeted Treatment of Recurrent Small Cell Lung Cancer With Anti-AbnV2” 23-month project

William North—PhysiologySponsoring agency: Woomera Therapeutics, Incorporated Project: “Woomera Therapeutics, Inc. Testing Project”

Patricia Pioli—Obstetrics and GynecologySponsoring agency: Scleroderma Research Foundation Project: “Mechanisms of Macrophage Activation and Function in Scleroderma” Three-year project

Leslie Robinson and K. Lewellen—Tuck School of BusinessSponsoring agency: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Project: “Internal Ownership Structures of Multinational Firms” Three-year project

Eugene Santos—Thayer School of EngineeringSponsoring agency: University of Texas at El Paso Project: “A Social, Cultural, and Emotional Basis for Trust and Suspicion: Manipulating Insider Threat in Cyber Intelligence and Operations” Two-month project

James Sargent , A. McClure and S. Tanski—Pediatrics and T. Heatherton and W. Kelly—Psychological and Brain SciencesSponsoring agency: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Project: “Alcohol Marketing and Underage Drinking” Five-year project

Charles Sentman—Microbiology and ImmunologySponsoring agency: National Cancer Institute Project: “A Novel NKG2D-Specific BiTE Cancer Immunotherapy” Five-year project

Sean Smith—Computer ScienceSponsoring agency: University of Illinois Project: “NSA UIUC Science of Security Lablet Security Through Resiliency”

Douglas Van Citters—Thayer School of EngineeringSponsoring agency: Topsfield Medical, GmbH Project: “Glenoid Loosening and Subsequent Fixation Simulation” Nine-month project

Scott Williams—Institute for Quantitative Biomedical SciencesSponsoring agency: Vanderbilt University Project: “Southern Community Cohort Study” 11-month project

Charles Wira, J. Bodwell and J. Fahey—PhysiologySponsoring agency: Advanced BioScience Laboratories, Inc. Project: “Tenofovir Biological Effectiveness”

Heather Wishart—PsychiatrySponsoring agency: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Project: “MS Center Neuropsychology Service”

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