Watch the March 3 noontime session live on Dartmouth’s YouTube channel.
Digital learning and the creative use of new learning technologies is the focus of the third session of “Moving Dartmouth Forward,” set for Monday, March 3.
The community discussions will be hosted by Josh Kim, director of digital learning initiatives, and Alan Cattier ’86, director of academic and campus technology services.
There will be two sessions on Monday to allow for community-wide participation. The conversations, which are open to faculty, students, staff, and alumni, will run from noon to 1 p.m. in Alumni Hall, and again from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the ground floor of Fahey Hall.
Kim and Cattier are responsible for leading Dartmouth’s efforts to innovate with learning technologies and for helping faculty across the institution implement technology in support of their teaching goals.
Read more:They are also heading up Dartmouth’s integration into edX, the nonprofit online learning platform founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dartmouth joined the massive open online course (MOOC) platform in January.
“There are a lot of things happening in the field on behalf of the learner that we’re hoping to take advantage of,” says Cattier.
While they will outline Dartmouth technology initiatives like edX, the switch to the Canvas learning management system, and new tools for educational analytics, the focus of the sessions will be encouraging a conversation on learning technology, Cattier and Kim say.
“We really want to listen to the people who are there to hear what they value most in terms of advancing their learning and where they see technology can help catalyze their own learning,” Kim says.
The “Moving Dartmouth Forward” series is designed to give community members an opportunity to discuss ideas related to the initiatives of President Phil Hanlon ’77, to generate new ideas, and to advance implementation of the president’s plans to ensure that Dartmouth remains the premiere undergraduate teaching institution while deepening the impact of its scholarship nationally and internationally.
The first session, held February 3, looked at the challenges and opportunities of the D-Plan, Dartmouth’s year-round academic calendar. The second session on February 17 focused on enhancing residential life at the College. Videos of the full sessions are available on the Dartmouth YouTube channel and on the “Moving Dartmouth Forward” page on the website of the Office of the President. Video of the March 3 session will be posted to YouTube later in the day Monday. Members of the community can also join the discussion through the Improve Dartmouth website.
The “Moving Dartmouth Forward” conversations will continue into the spring. All dialogues take place from 12-1 p.m., and again from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Below is the current schedule of sessions, with presenters for each one.
- March 3: Creative use of new learning technologies Presenters: Josh Kim, director of digital learning initiatives Alan Cattier, director of academic and campus technology services
- April 7: Professional Development for Life: Serving Dartmouth Students and Alumni Presenters: Daniel Parish, director Dartmouth for Life Roger Woolsey, director and senior assistant dean, Center for Professional Development
- April 28: Arts and Innovation Presenters: Trip Davis, executive director of the Office of Entrepreneurship & Technology Transfer Adrian Randolph, associate dean of the faculty for the arts and humanities and the Leon E. Williams Professor of Art History
- May 12: Global Learning Experiences Presenters: Lynn Higgins, associate dean of the faculty for international and interdisciplinary studies Lindsay Whaley, associate provost for international initiatives