Financial Aid

To make the full experience of a Dartmouth education affordable for you and your family.
We know that the cost of education is considerable. We are committed to providing a need-based financial aid program that makes it financially possible for all admitted students to attend Dartmouth.
Our goal is to give each student the full Dartmouth experience by removing financial barriers. Whether from Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul, or Texas, we will meet 100% of demonstrated need for every admitted student.
Gift makes Dartmouth the national leader in support of middle-income families.

We strive to make the full experience of a Dartmouth education affordable for you and your family, for all four years.

The Tuck School of Business admits a highly qualified and diverse class of students without regard to their financial circumstances.

In addition to loans and external funding opportunities, we also offer a range of school-based support in the form of fellowships, scholarships, and research assistant positions.

Geisel School of Medicine supports equality of opportunity for persons, regardless of race or ethnic background. No student will be denied financial aid, or be otherwise discriminated against, because of age, disability, race, color, sexual orientation, religion, sex, or national or ethnic origin.