First Year Student Enrichment Program Launches
FYSEP empowers first-generation students to thrive academically and in the greater college community.

FYSEP provides a rigorous, dynamic and transformative experience that puts participants in a position to thrive at Dartmouth both academically and socially. The program offers sample classes with Dartmouth faculty, workshops, activities, and seminars designed to simulate life at Dartmouth and to prepare participants to handle some of the challenges they may face during the course of their first year.
Through a six-day pre-Orientation program and ongoing support throughout their first year, FYSEP students gain a broad array of understandings and skills designed to help them make the most of their experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. As an example, all students participate in one-to-one mentoring meetings from upperclass students.
The program started in 2009 as a student-led yearlong mentorship program that connected first-year students with trained upperclass mentors and campus resources. Jay Davis ’90 directs the program.
The class of 2022 has 91 FYSEP participants. These students are among the first in their families to attend a four-year college and to whom Dartmouth offers added enrichment in their transition to college life.
Learn more about the First Year Student Enrichment Program.