A drone's view of Commencement at Dartmouth College
(Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)

Processional Order


Seniors: On Commencement morning, seniors assemble in Leede Arena at 8:15 a.m. and must be in their assigned seats by 8:30 a.m. The doors will be closed promptly at 8:30 a.m. in order to prepare the final march order. Seniors march in alphabetical order. Any student arriving after 8:30 a.m. will march at the end of the procession. March lists with the number assigned to each graduate will be posted the Friday before Commencement.

Graduate and professional school students gather at 8:30 a.m. in the designated assembly sites

The platform group and faculty assemble at 8:30 a.m. at Wilson Hall and form a double line in order of seniority.

Assembly and Order of March

The Academic Procession is headed by the Platform Group, led by the Dean of Faculty as Chief Marshal. Marching behind the Chief Marshal is the President of the College, accompanied by the Dean of the College.

Behind them comes the Dean of Libraries and Librarian of the College, as College Usher, bearing Lord Dartmouth’s Cup. The Trustees of the College march as a group. They are followed by the Vice President for Alumni Relations as College Steward. The Steward carries a canister that contains a copy of the charter granted to Dartmouth in 1769 by King George III. The Steward is followed by the Eagle Staff Bearer.

Trustees Emeriti, preceded by the Senior Vice President for Advancement serving as their marshal, immediately follow. The honorary degree recipients, and the Honorary Degree Marshals, come next. They are followed by the remainder of the Platform Group, Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and of the Professional Schools. Finally, the bachelor’s degree candidates march to seats in the front section, and graduate degree candidates proceed to their seats, located to the left and right of the seniors.

Order of Exercises

  • Processional
  • Welcome
  • Invocation
  • Conferring of Honorary Degrees
  • Commencement Address
  • Recognition of 50th Reunion Class
  • Singing of Dartmouth Undying
  • Conferring of the Degree Master of Business Administration
  • Conferring of the Degrees Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Engineering Management, and Master of Engineering
  • Conferring of the Degrees Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, Master of Arts, and Master of Science
  • Conferring of the Degree Master of Public Health
  • Conferring of the Degree Doctor of Medicine
  • Conferring of the Degree Doctor of Philosophy
  • Recognition of Valedictorians
  • Valedictory to the College
  • Conferring of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
  • Valedictory to the Graduating Students
  • Singing of The Alma Mater
  • Recessional