Jim Lustenader's Paris Street Photography Exhibition

Work in this exhibition comes from Jim’s book “Paris in a Second” and represents three decades of photographing people in The City of Light.

February 22, 2016
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
7 Lebanon Street, Suite 107, Hanover, NH
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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
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Jim Lustenader is a street photographer because he loves the challenge of capturing the subtle elements of the human condition. As a scene unfolds, he looks for “the clickpoint,” the almost-visceral moment that reflects the poetry, irony, sadness or humor of everyday life. His work is candid, intuitive and spontaneous; no shots are posed, staged or overtly altered. What you see is what he saw and felt when he pressed the shutter release.
Jim invites viewers to seek out a narrative thread that lends perspective to how people interact with each other and their surroundings -- how light, shadow, gesture and motion combine to convey a mood or tell a story.
Black and white film is Jim’s medium of choice; it focuses the eye, stimulates imagination, delivers tonal richness, and is part of the humanistic tradition of street photography.
Over the past six years, Jim has had a solo show and been accepted into eighteen juried exhibitions at venues that include the Worldwide Photography Gala Awards (Pollux Award “Photographer of the Year”); Howe Library’s Elden Murray Competition; Cape Cod Art Assoc.; Texas National Art Competition; Flow Art Space of Minneapolis; Camera USA National Photography Award; Minneapolis Photo Center; Colorado Photographic Arts Center; and the Boca Raton Museum of Art.
Work in this exhibition comes from Jim’s book “Paris in a Second” and represents three decades of photographing people in The City of Light.
Jim’s exhibit will be open February 1 – March 31 in the Osher office located at 7 Lebanon St, Suite 107 in Hanover.

7 Lebanon Street, Suite 107, Hanover, NH
Sponsored by
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
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