Eichler Foundations in Medicine and Humanities Seminar
Re-Engineering Breast Cancer Surgery: The story of how an academic cancer surgeon worked with his colleagues in the engineering school to make surgery safer.
The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice's Dartmouth Health Care Foundations is hosting an Eric Eichler ’57 Foundations in Medicine and Humanities Seminar
DESCRIPTION: Oftentimes, the opportunities to improve health outcomes and patient experiences are only visible to people immersed in the repetition of the work. The solutions to specific clinical questions depend on the combination of healthcare professionals working with experts from extramural disciplines. This seminar invites the story of how an academic cancer surgeon worked with his colleagues in the engineering school across campus, to design an innovation using 3-D printers and digital imaging that makes breast surgery safer for cancer patients.
Manish K. Mishra, MD, MPH and Elizabeth Carpenter-Song, PhD
Richard J. Barth Jr., MD and Venkat Krishnaswamy, BE, PhD