Google Maps for Cancer

Research seminar with Arvind Pathak, Professor of Radiology, Biomedical & Electrical Engineering, Johns Hopkins U School of Medicine

April 25, 2023
12 pm - 1 pm
Auditorium E, Dartmouth Health/Online
Sponsored by
Dartmouth Cancer Center, Thayer School of Engineering
More information
Ashley Parker


How Google maps, GoPro and space telescope-inspired bioengineering provides insights into cancer 

This seminar will highlight how one can harness technological advances in data visualization (eg. Google Maps), head-mounted cameras (eg. GoPros) and multicontrast imaging (eg. space telescopes) to develop new hardware, software, and "wetware" tools for characterizing the biology of cancer. I will show how one can combine innovative imaging approaches and computational biology to create Google maps of cancer in preclinical (ie. animal) models. I will showcase a head-mounted mini-microscope that enables imaging brain tumor evolution in awake, freely moving animals over the entire life-cycle of the disease. I  will conclude with a description of a multimodality and multiscale imaging and visualization method for elucidating the role of blood vessels in health and cancer. In summary, I will illustrate how state-of-the-art biomedical engineering and preclinical models enable a more holistic characterization of cancer across the organism, tissue and cellular scales, ushering in a new era of "cancer systems biology."

Auditorium E, Dartmouth Health/Online
Sponsored by
Dartmouth Cancer Center, Thayer School of Engineering
More information
Ashley Parker