ANTH Colloquium - A Linguistic Ethnographic Perspective on Danish Foods

Anthropology Colloquium - Rye Bread, Herring, and Pork: A Linguistic Ethnographic Perspective on Danish Foods with Dr. Martha Karrebæk, University of Copenhagen. 4/27/23 @ 12:15 PM

12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
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Anthropology Department
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Sabrina Billings

Anthropology Colloquium - Rye Bread, Herring, and Pork: A Linguistic Ethnographic Perspective on Danish Foods with Dr. Martha Karrebæk, University of Copenhagen.

Thursday, April 27th @ 12:15 PM via ZOOM
Dr. Martha Karrebæk has conducted research in the area of food and language over the past 10 years. In her talk, she will give an overview of her work, focusing on the cultural meanings, and meaning changes, of foods in the Danish context. 

Martha Sif Karrebæk is professor of multilingualism / Danish as a second language at University of Copenhagen. She has worked with linguistic ideologies in different Danish settings characterized by linguistic diversity – preschool, primary school, mother tongue classrooms, restaurants, courtrooms, hospitals. She has engaged with stakeholders and the public in relation to all of her research projects.


 She has worked with linguistic ideologies in different Danish settings characterized by linguistic diversity – preschool, primary school, mother tongue classrooms, restaurants, courtrooms, hospitals. She has engaged with stakeholders and the public in relation to all of her research projects.

Sponsored by
Anthropology Department
Faculty, Postdoc, Public, Staff, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate
More information
Sabrina Billings