Aaron Meskin, University of Georgia

Presented by Philosophy's Sapientia Lecture Series

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Class of 1930 Room, Rockefeller Center
Sponsored by
Philosophy Department
More information
Prof Kenny Walden

Prof Aaron Meskin, University of Georgia
Friday, May 5
1930 Rm, Rockefeller Center
Free & Open

Talk title: "Let's go see that together!": Going out as a core aesthetic activity

Abstract: Contemporary philosophical aesthetics remains focused on works and objects. In this essay, I want to think philosophically, and with primary attention to aesthetic matters, about an activity that has, to my knowledge, not been seriously discussed in philosophical context; namely, the activity of going out. I shall argue that going out - the sort of thing we do when we go to the cinema, the theater, the ballet, nightclubs, cocktail bars, restaurants, and so on - should be understood as a core aesthetic activity.



The Sapientia Lecture Series is underwritten by the Mark J. Byrne 1985 Fund in Philosophy.

Class of 1930 Room, Rockefeller Center
Sponsored by
Philosophy Department
More information
Prof Kenny Walden