Physics & Astronomy - Senior Honor Thesis - Grace Kwon, Dartmouth
Title: " Interpretation of Plasma Signatures from the CREX-2 Sounding Rocket Mission"
Abstract: The geomagnetic cusps are regions near each pole where energetic particles from the solar wind have direct access to our atmosphere due to a break in the planetary magnetic field. Satellite data have previously revealed significant thermospheric mass density enhancements in both the northern and southern cusps; however, it is unclear why and how these enhancements exist in stable form. Following conservation of momentum, the extra weight must be supported by perturbations in either wind, temperature, or ion velocity. In order to examine each of these potential mechanisms, the Cusp Region EXperiment (CREX-2) sounding rocket mission was launched out of Norway in December 2021. CREX-2 carried 20 vapor tracers--used to track both neutral and ionized particles--along with a diverse set of plasma instruments. This thesis focuses mainly on two of these plasma instruments. The onboard magnetometer measures the local magnetic field, which we can use to calculate field-aligned currents. The Dartmouth Petite Ion Probes measure ion density and temperature, which reveal geophysical flows that suggest the presence of localized ion drift. We also supplement these instruments with data from several others, both in-situ and ground-based. Ultimately, results from this thesis will be used to aid analysis of the simultaneous neutral wind measurements by providing necessary environmental context.
Advisor: Professor Kristinan Lynch
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