Dartmouth Interdisciplinary Network Research Symposium

Dartmouth Interdisciplinary Network Research Symposium

10:30 am - 5:30 pm
Hanover Inn, Hayward Room
Sponsored by
Geisel School of Medicine
More information
Erika Moen

Dear Colleagues,

We are thrilled to share that our two keynote speakers at the Dartmouth Interdisciplinary Network Research (DINR) Symposium will be Dr. Brea Perry, Professor of Sociology and the Network Science Institute at Indiana University and Dr. Eric Kolaczyk, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University. More details about their presentations to come.

The DINR Group will be hosting a day-long, in-person symposium to bring together the community of network researchers on campus. We encourage you to register and submit an abstract to share your network research as a lightning talk or poster using the links below.


Date: September 21, 2023

Time: 10:30-5:30pm

Location: Hayward Room, Hanover Inn


If you are interested in attending, please register at the link below:



If you, or your trainees, are interested in submitting an abstract to be considered for a lightning talk and/or poster, please submit it at the link




The deadline for abstract submission is August 11, 2023.

Please forward the link to others in the Dartmouth community, including students, who may be interested in attending and participating in this event.



Erika Moen, Department of Biomedical Data Science

James O’Malley, The Dartmouth Institute and the Department of Biomedical Data Science

Peter Mucha, Department of Mathematics

Adam M. Kleinbaum, Tuck School of Business


We gratefully acknowledge support from the Neukom Institute, the Program in Quantitative Social Sciences, the Tuck School, the Byrne endowment, the Peggy Y. Thomson endowment, the Department of Biomedical Data Science, and the Center for Quantitative Biology.

Hanover Inn, Hayward Room
Sponsored by
Geisel School of Medicine
More information
Erika Moen