CTBH/BMDS Special Seminar with Katharine Daniel, MA
Please join us for the CTBH/BMDS seminar with Katharine Daniel, MA, at DHMC, Williamson 373 (or via Zoom)
"Emotion Regulation as a Transdiagnostic Target for Personalized Treatment"
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Williamson 373, DHMC
Host: Nicholas Jacobson, PhD
In-person attendance encouraged. No registration required.
URL: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/95192672594pwd=VDR3UkNydW94ZW9KdUZFUDlkNjFZUT09
Zoom meeting ID: 951 9267 2594
Zoom passcode: 345246
Phone audio (for mic audio only): 669 900 6833
Presentation Summary
Emotion dysregulation is a leading risk factor in the development and maintenance of mental illness, poor physical health, and relationship dissatisfaction. In this job talk, Katharine will discuss how her research program's focus on studying emotion regulation in context through the development and application of innovative statistical approaches can guide personalized mHealth interventions that support mental health functioning in the face of complex mental and physical health conditions. She will then share next steps in her program of research, focusing on exciting opportunities for innovation and collaboration within the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health and the Dartmouth community more broadly.
Katharine Daniel is a PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology with a secondary concentration in Quantitative Psychology at the University of Virginia. She is currently a Clinical Psychology Fellow in the Center for Digital Mental Health at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Katharine's research uses real-time monitoring and intensive longitudinal analytic methods to understand the real-world effects of anxiety and emotion dysregulation across changing contexts to inform the development of technology-assisted interventions.