CTBH/BMDS Special Seminar with Ashley Linden-Carmichael, PhD

Ashley Linden-Carmichael presents "Intensive Longitudinal Methods for Examining Higher-Risk Alcohol Use in Context Among Young Adults". Thurs, Dec. 7th, 1:30-2:30pm

December 7, 2023
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
DHMC- Williamson 373
Sponsored by
Geisel School of Medicine
More information
Brittany George

Ashley Linden-Carmichael, PhD
Associate Research Professor 

Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center
College of Health and Human Development
The Pennsylvania State University

“Intensive Longitudinal Methods for Examining Higher-Risk Alcohol Use in Context Among Young Adults”
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Williamson 373, DHMC 

Host: Nicholas Jacobson, PhD

In-person attendance encouraged. No registration required.

URL: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/99002152444?pwd=RjNtUE12b1M2ckxCY2JLdjQwNzA3QT09
Zoom meeting ID: 990 0215 2444
Zoom passcode: 088709
Phone audio (for mic audio only): 646 558 8656 

Presentation Summary
The landscape of late adolescent and young adult substance use is rapidly changing, with rates of heavy alcohol use and daily cannabis use at all-time highs and increases in co-use of multiple substances. Individuals may decide to engage in particular use patterns (e.g., intensity of use, combinations of substances) based on perceptions of their social or pharmacological outcomes and their immediate physical location and social setting. The desired effects that individuals seek (e.g., to reduce negative affect, to celebrate with friends) often vary day-to-day and correspond to daily fluctuations in substance use. Dr. Linden-Carmichael's research recognizes the great heterogeneity in substance use patterns and aims to identify within-individual associations of psychosocial and situational factors with higher-risk use patterns. In this talk, she will share her research findings drawing from mixed-methods and intensive longitudinal designs to capture psychosocial predictors of dynamic and complex substance use patterns; her future plans for leveraging mindfulness and protective behavioral strategy use to build personalized, just-in-time interventions to mitigate substance-related harms among youth who do versus do not attend college; and possible new directions and collaborations at Dartmouth.

Dr. Ashley Linden-Carmichael is currently an Associate Research Professor in the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center in the College of Health and Human Development at Penn State. Dr. Linden-Carmichael received her Ph.D. in Applied Experimental Psychology at Old Dominion University in 2016. She is currently PI of a K01 Career Development Award and an R21 award from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Her program of research aims to identify influential and underlying psychosocial predictors and consequences of high-risk drinking behavior (e.g., co-use of alcohol and cannabis, blackout drinking) among late adolescents and young adults. She also has a particular interest in using innovative methods and statistical approaches to assess and intervene in higher-risk alcohol use patterns in real-time and context.

DHMC- Williamson 373
Sponsored by
Geisel School of Medicine
More information
Brittany George