Physics & Astronomy - Cosmology Talk - Dr. Moria Gresham, Whitman College
Title: "Making Asymmetric Dark Matter Gold: Nugget Structure, Synthesis, and Constraints"
Wilder 202
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Physics & Astronomy Department
Abstract: A scalar-mediated dark force in an asymmetric dark matter (ADM) sector can lead to ADM bound states of extremely large size. I’ll discuss the nuclear structure of these large ADM nuggets and their synthesis in the early and late Universe, along with constraints on the model. ADM nuggets represent a qualitatively new sort of dark matter candidate: they lead to a broad dark matter mass function, and their proclivity for cold fusion dramatically affects the character of dark matter self interactions while simultaneously proving a cooling mechanism that could, e.g., lead to formation of ADM stars.
Wilder 202
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Physics & Astronomy Department