Unpacking the Inflation Reduction Act Panel

The Inflation Reduction Act represents the largest single federal investment in the fight against climate change in US history. Join a panel of experts to learn about its impacts.

12 pm - 1 pm
Cook Auditorium, Murdough Center
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Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society
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Irving Institute for Energy and Society

Unpacking the IRA: What Will the Inflation Reduction Act Mean for Climate and the Energy Transition?

Watch a recording of this panel discussion

After a rollercoaster ride of a journey to Congressional approval in August, the Inflation Reduction Act represents the largest single federal investment in the fight against climate change in US history. The energy and climate provisions contained in the $700 billion bill are projected to reduce the nation's greenhouse gas emissions 40% by 2030, getting the United States significantly closer to meeting its climate goals. 

How did the bill come about? What's in the bill and how does it aim to meet this ambitious target? What impacts can we expect to see in terms of American industry, investment, and jobs? 

Join us on Wednesday, September 21 from 12 - 1 p.m. as we convene a campus-wide panel of experts to discuss this historic bill from a range of perspectives. Dartmouth faculty from engineering, earth sciences, and business will provide insight into its importance and how it may impact their fields. 


  • Alexis Abramson, Dean, Thayer School of Engineering
  • Klaus Keller, Hodgson Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Thayer School of Engineering
  • Erich Osterberg, Associate Professor of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College
  • April Salas, Executive Director, Revers Center for Energy, Sustainability, and Innovation at Tuck School of Business and Interim Executive Director, Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society at Dartmouth
  • Anant Sundaram, Clinical Professor of Business Administration, Tuck School of Business

Moderated by Jonn Minderman TU’23 and Nathaniel Roe ’23.

Register at dartgo.org/UnpackingIRA

Cook Auditorium, Murdough Center
Sponsored by
Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society
Registration required
More information
Irving Institute for Energy and Society