Specters of the End: Sabotage and Coup d'états in Allende-era Fiction

Virtual Lecture by Elizabeth Hochberg Assistant Professor of Spanish. University of Washington

October 4, 2023
2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Sponsored by
Spanish and Portuguese Department
Registration required
More information
Greg LeBlanc

Open to the public by registration: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uDMXVST7SAqk9mawkOlWjg

During Salvador Allende’s Popular Unity Government (1970-1973) writers, artists,
and musicians sought to educate, foment political consciousness, and depict and comment upon the transformations taking place in Chile. The lecture by Elizabeth Hochberg will explore the ways in which paths to dictatorship are imagined and interwoven in novels of the period by such ideologically diverse writers as Guillermo Atías, Enrique Lafourcade, and Enrique Lihn. We are going to see how scenes from these works showcase the political complexity of members of the working class and cultural production in the face of threats to democracy.

Sponsored by
Spanish and Portuguese Department
Registration required
More information
Greg LeBlanc