Engineering-Physics Space Plasma Seminar - Dr. Slava Merkin, JHUAPL

Title: "Scientific advances from the Center for Geospace Storms"

1:15 pm - 2:15 pm
Wilder 102 & Zoom
Sponsored by
Physics & Astronomy Department
More information
Tressena Manning

Abstract: The Center for Geospace Storms (CGS) is one of the three NASA DRIVE Science Centers currently in Phase II, and it is the only one focusing on the physics of geospace. CGS science is rooted in the understanding of stormtime geospace as a system that is highly coupled across a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. This necessitates development of physical models that are both holistic, i.e., treat all the relevant processes and domains, and possess sufficiently high resolution to capture all the relevant scales, within the limitations of the existing computer power. To this end, CGS is developing a Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment (MAGE) model that satisfies the above requirements. In this presentation, we review the recent work by the CGS team, using both the MAGE model and accompanying observations, concentrating on the multiscale nature of stormtime interactions in the geospace system. The highlights include the build-up of the ring current by mesoscale plasma sheet flows and energetic particle injections; subauroral polarization streams; plasmaspheric and ionospheric density plumes; advances in modeling energetic particle precipitation into the ionosphere; and mesoscale polar ionosphere density structure and its implications for the global magnetosphere. We conclude by placing these representative cross-scale coupling processes in the context of the global mass and energy redistribution characteristic of stormtime geospace dynamics.

Hosted by Professor Yi-Hsin Liu

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Wilder 102 & Zoom
Sponsored by
Physics & Astronomy Department
More information
Tressena Manning