The Political Economy of Digital Currencies

Monday July 15 at 4:30 pm in Silsby 215. Sponsored by the Daniel Webster Program--co-sponsored by the Political Economy Project.

July 15, 2024
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Silsby Hall 215
Sponsored by
Political Economy Project
More information
Henry Clark

The future of money is digital. But cryptocurrencies, stable-coins, and Central Bank Digital Currencies are all forms of digital monies. What are their differences, and how likely is it that they will combine in the near future? This talk explores the broader economic and political framework that will ultimately determine the future of money.

Leonidas Zelmanovitz is the author of The Ontology and Function of Money: The Philosophical Fundamentals of Monetary Institutions (2016) and a fellow at the Liberty Fund, and educational foundation in Indianapolis, Free and open to the public.


Silsby Hall 215
Sponsored by
Political Economy Project
More information
Henry Clark