Faculty and Student Perspectives on the Dartmouth Course Assessment
A conversation about student evaluations and their use at Dartmouth.
Like many institutions, Dartmouth established its current course assessment process more than two decades ago, and has not formally evaluated the instrument or process for effectiveness since that time. At the request of the Dean of Faculty to examine teaching evaluation practices broadly, DCAL and LDI are seeking to understand the strengths and limitations of Dartmouth’s course assessment model. At this session, we will explore what faculty find most valuable and most challenging in the current course assessment and review results from the recent Course Assessment Student Survey. This input from faculty and students will inform an intended revision of the course assessment process that we hope will better serve faculty, students, and the institution. This confidential discussion will be facilitated by Scott Pauls and is open to all faculty whose teaching reviews are part of contract renewal, reappointment, and/or tenure and promotion processes. Chairs, deans, and other administrators are encouraged to engage in other forums–invitations coming soon.
This event is being held in person. Masks are welcome but not required, and lunch will be available "to go" for those who prefer not to eat with others.If you are sick, please do not attend. If you cannot attend due to illness or disability, please email us at least 48 hours in advance at dcal@dartmouth.edu
to discuss possible accommodations. Thank you!