Tour Tuesdays: The Book Conservation Lab in Baker-Berry Library

Explore the hidden part of the Collection Management & Preservation Department with Dartmouth Libraries and learn about what it takes to get a broken book back on the shelf.

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Novack Café
Sponsored by
Office of Government and Community Relations
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Community Engagement

The conservation lab is an integral but often hidden part of the Collection Management & Preservation Department with Dartmouth Libraries. It’s like a hospital for books where a team of skilled professionals address the treatment needs of Dartmouth’s special and circulating collections in need of repair. On this tour you will learn about what it takes to get a broken book back on the shelf and ready for use by Dartmouth faculty and students. Guided by Dartmouth’s Collection Conservator, Deborah Howe, you will be able to observe and handle some of the materials the lab cares for and introduced to the most common practices and equipment used in book conservation.
Note: No food or drink permitted. 

Register HERE

Novack Café
Sponsored by
Office of Government and Community Relations
Registration required
More information
Community Engagement