Events Calendar Support Submit an Event Start date to End date Clear filters Advanced filters 1 Dec New England Computer Vision Workshop 8:30 am - 4:00 pm The NECV brings together researchers in computer vision and related areas for an informal exchange of ideas through a full day of presentations and posters. 1 Dec Biochemistry and Cell Biology Thesis Seminar - A.Liu 10 am - 11 am Ao Liu - Thesis Seminar "Mitochondrial Division: Synergizing in Mitochondrial Divisome" 1 Dec Faculty Seminar on the Green Economy and Discourse 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Professors Soroush Vosoughi and Richard Howarth present on current research. 1 Dec CELEBRATE THE SEASON: Hands-On Art-Making! 4 pm - 6 pm Stop by anytime during the program to participate in art making and enjoy cookies and cider as part of Hanover’s annual Celebrate the Season event! 1 Dec Christmas Tree Lighting 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm In Conjunction with the Upper Valley Business Alliance "Celebrate the Season" Events. 1 Dec Women's Hockey versus Clarkson 6 pm - 9 pm Big Green women's hockey plays host to Clarkson University Previous Next CloseAudiences ExpandAlumniFacultyPostdocPublicStaffStudents-GraduateStudents-UndergraduateCategories ExpandArtsArts and SciencesAthletics & RecreationClubs & OrganizationsConferencesDartmouth DialoguesDialogue ProjectDiversity, Equity and InclusionExhibitionsFilmsFree FoodLectures & SeminarsOff Campus EventPerformancesService & VolunteerSpiritual & WorshipWorkshops & TrainingInstitutional Events ExpandAcademic CalendarCenters Forum EventCommencementHomecomingHomepage FeaturedMartin Luther King Jr. CelebrationReunionsVeterans Day ObservancesEvent Sponsors ExpandABCDEFGHIJLMNOPRSTUWAdmissions - UndergraduateAfrican and African-American Studies ProgramAllen HouseAlumni RelationsAnthropology DepartmentArt History DepartmentArthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and SocietyAsian Societies, Cultures and LanguagesAthleticsBiochemistry DepartmentBiological Sciences DepartmentCampus ServicesCenter for Cognitive NeuroscienceCenter for Digital Strategies - Tuck SchoolCenter for Entrepreneurship - Tuck SchoolCenter for Global Business and Government - Tuck SchoolCenter for Private Equity and Venture CapitalCenter for Professional DevelopmentCenter for Social Brain SciencesCenters Forum at DartmouthChemistry DepartmentChief Health and Wellness OfficerClassics DepartmentCognitive Science ProgramCollis After DarkCollis CenterCommunicationsCommunity ContributionsComparative Literature ProgramComputer Science DepartmentConferences and EventsConsortium of Studies in Race, Migration, and SexualityCorporate and Foundation RelationsCOSODALI LabDaniel Webster ProgramDartmouth Argentine Tango SocietyDartmouth-AU Kuwait ProgramDartmouth Cancer CenterDartmouth Center for Social ImpactDartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning (DCAL)Dartmouth Centers ForumDartmouth Emergency Medical Services (EMS)Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterDartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical PracticeDartmouth Outing Club (DOC)Dartmouth Political UnionDartmouth Student Alliance for UkraineDartmouth Student GovernmentDartmouth SYNERGYDean of the CollegeDean of the FacultyDepartment of EpidemiologyDickey CenterDick's House-Student Health ServiceDigital Humanities and Social EngagementDining Services (DDS)Division of Student AffairsEarth Sciences DepartmentEast European, Eurasian & Russian Studies DepartmentEconomics DepartmentEducation DepartmentE. E. Just ProgramEnglish DepartmentEnvironmental StudiesEthics InstituteEvent Calendar AdministratorFamily Giving & EngagementFellowship AdvisingFilm & Media Studies DepartmentFirst-Generation OfficeFrench and Italian DepartmentGeisel School of MedicineGeography DepartmentGerman DepartmentGlobal DartmouthGlobalization ClusterGlobalization SeminarGlobalization WorkshopGovernment DepartmentGrant GPSGreek Letter Organizations & Societies (GLOS)Guarini Institute for International Education (OCP)Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced StudiesHistory DepartmentHood Museum of ArtHopkins Center for the ArtsHuman ResourcesInformation Technology ServicesInstitute for Black Intellectual and Cultural LifeInstitute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (QBS-Geisel)Institute for Security, Technology, and Society (ISTS)Institute for Writing and Rhetoric (IWR)Institutional Diversity & Equity (ID&E)International Student Experience Jewish Studies ProgramLatin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies Program (LALACS)Learning Design and InnovationLeslie Center for the HumanitiesLibraryLinguistics ProgramMagnuson Center for EntrepreneurshipMALS ProgramMathematics DepartmentMCB Graduate ProgramMellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship ProgramMHCDS Program @ DartmouthMicrobiology and Immunology - Geisel SchoolMiddle Eastern Studies (MES) ProgramMolecular and Systems BiologyMontgomery Fellows ProgramMulticultural Affairs—Geisel SchoolMusic DepartmentNathan Smith SocietyNative American and Indigenous StudiesNative American ProgramNeukom InstituteOffice of Community Life and InclusivityOffice of Entrepreneurship & Technology TransferOffice of Government and Community RelationsOffice of Institutional ResearchOffice of Pluralism and Leadership (OPAL)Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP)Office of SustainabilityOffice of the Executive Vice PresidentOffice of the PresidentOffice of the ProvostOsher Lifelong Learning Institute at DartmouthOutdoor ProgramsPathology DepartmentPhi Delta AlphaPhilosophy DepartmentPhysics & Astronomy DepartmentPolitical Economy ProjectPre-Health AdvisingProgram in Experimental and Molecular MedicineProgram in Quantitative Social ScienceProgramming BoardPsychological and Brain Sciences DepartmentRace, Migration and Sexuality ConsortiumRassias CenterRegistrar-UndergraduateReligion DepartmentResearch EventsResidential LifeRevers Center for EnergyRockefeller CenterSchool HouseSociety of FellowsSociology DepartmentSpanish and Portuguese DepartmentSpeech at DartmouthStudent Academic Support ServicesStudent InvolvementStudent Veterans Association of DartmouthStudent Wellness CenterStudio Art DepartmentStudio Art Exhibition ProgramThayer School of EngineeringTheater DepartmentThe Dartmouth Institute (TDI)The Dialogue ProjectTitle IX OfficeTucker CenterTuck School of BusinessUndergraduate Advising & ResearchUndergraduate Deans OfficeWellness at DartmouthWomen in Science ProjectWomen's Gender and Sexuality StudiesWright Center