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See faculty subject matter experts

African American History

Marvin Chochotte: slavery, revolutions, freedom, political violence against Black African descendants in the Americas, Haiti.

Artificial Intelligence

Feng Fu: game theory and AI, human behavior, evolutionary dynamics, health data science

Saeed Hassanpour: biomedical informatics, machine learning, AI for healthcare, medical imaging, digital pathology

SouYoung Jin: video understanding, computer vision, machine learning, multimodal learning, cognitive science

Sarah Masud Preum: human-AI interaction, computational health, data science, natural language processing, conversational assistants, deep learning

Dan Rockmore: complex systems, machine learning, networks, computational harmonic analysis

Soroush Vosoughi: expert on ethical AI; AI and society; large language models; generative AI; natural language processing; computational social science

Yujun Yan: machine learning, graph/data mining, graph neural networks, interpretable machine learning, program understanding and synthesis

Yaoqing Yang: machine learning, 3D point clouds, statistical physics, loss landscape, neural-network weight analysis, information theory, coded computing

Asian Americans

Sunmin Kim: race, immigration, minority politics, public opinion, policy preferences of Asian Americans, historical sociology

Eng-Beng Lim: Asian American studies; postcolonial/diaspora studies; ethnic studies; activism; diversity, equity, and inclusion

Emily Walton: race and place; residential experiences and health among multiple racial and ethnic groups, segregation, ethnic neighborhoods


Caroline Robertson: sensory perception and cognition in autism, Dartmouth Autism Research Initiative, early detection of autism


Tillman Gerngross: protein engineering; metabolic engineering; protein expression

Black Lives Matter

Matthew F. Delmont: African-American history, U.S. history, Black Lives Matter, civil rights, school desegregation, television, popular culture, media


Jacob Borodovsky: expert on cannabis; novel cannabis products and administration methods; factors leading to drug use; relationship between cannabis and mental health; survey-based measurement of substance use; effects of cannabis legalization and regulation on patterns of consumption; Cannabis Regulatory Science; risk behavior among adolescents; addiction, epidemiology and policy.

Alan Budney: expert on cannabis; consequences, prevention and intervention of use; treatments for misuse and Cannabis Use Disorder; laws and regulatory science; cannabis and mental health; pharmacology and therapeutics; social determinants of cannabis use and consequences; gender and sex differences in use; quantifying and measuring consumption; vaping, edibles, and other methods of consumption; adolescents and young adult use and consequences; impact of strain potency and dosage.

Timothy Gardner, MD: expert on cannabis and pain management for acute and chronic pancreatitis; medical cannabis; pancreatic cancer; pancreatic disease and liver disease; medical education.

Climate Change and Extreme Weather

Robert Hawley: Antarctica, Greenland, ice sheets, glaciers, snow, geophysics

Caitlin Hicks Pries: ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, soil ecology, and climate change

Meredith Kelly: climate change, glacial geologic studies, geomorphology

Kathryn Cottingham: impacts of climate change and effects of land-use change on lakes, cyanobacteria blooms and toxins in freshwater lakes

Justin S. Mankin: climate impacts on people and ecosystems, extreme weather and climate, climate modeling, drought and ecohydrology

Mathieu Morlighem: expert on Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets; sea-level rise; ice sheets and climate change; ice-ocean interactions; ice sheet numerical modeling.

Erich Osterberg: paleoclimatology, climate change, atmospheric chemistry, snow and ice chemistry

Laura Paulin, MD: pulmonary and critical care medicine, air quality, humidity and excessive heat, environmental and occupational exposure to air pollution, asthma and COPD

Donald Perovich: sea ice geophysics; the interaction of sunlight with ice and snow; the Arctic system and climate change

Ross Virginia: Polar policy and environmental issues, ecosystem ecology, soil biogeochemical cycling, climate change in polar systems

Jonathan Winter: climate variability and change, climate impacts on water resources and agriculture, global climate model projections, hydroclimate


Lisa V. Adams: healthcare and COVID-19

Elizabeth A. Carpenter-Song: health equity in rural health New England

Elliott Fisher: geography/U.S. mapping of the COVID-19 pandemic

Herschel Nachlis: Food and Drug Administration (FDA), vaccine regulation, public policy, health policy and politics

Christopher Snyder: economics of developing vaccines

Anne N. Sosin: health equity in rural health New England

Elizabeth A. Talbot: infectious disease, travel medicine, international health


Devin Singh: religion and the history of money, the digitization of cash, cryptocurrency, religion and economics, sociology of markets and money, credit and debit in the West

Data Privacy

David F. Kotz: mobile healthcare (mHealth) technology, security and privacy, wireless networks


Alexis Abramson: building energy efficiency; sustainable energy technology; data analytics applied to energy applications

Elizabeth J. Wilson: energy and environmental policy, climate change, public perception of emerging technologies, regulatory and legal analysis of emerging technologies

Fake News

Brendan Nyhan: misperceptions and conspiracy theories, the science of fake news, political communication and the media, political scandal and corruption

The Federal Reserve

Andrew Levin: The Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, monetary policy

Food and Water Safety

Celia Chen: accumulation and presence of PFAS (“forever chemicals”) in the environment, contamination of the aquatic food web (marine, estuarine and freshwater), concentrations in freshwater and marine fish and invertebrates, PFAS distribution in the water column and interactions with organic carbon, mercury and other metal contaminants in aquatic food webs

Kathryn Cottingham: arsenic in food and water, mercury in freshwater ecosystems, algae, cyanobacteria blooms and toxins in freshwater lakes

Megan Romano: exposure to environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and effect on pregnancy, infant hormones, breastfeeding and feeding behavior, and early life physical growth; effects of PFAS on human health; PFAS contamination in drinking water and New England communities; effects of other EDCs such as bisphenol A, phthalates, parabens, and flame retardants on maternal and child health.

Global Health and Infectious Disease

Lisa V. Adams: healthcare and COVID-19

Dawn Carey: community health programming, international health partnerships, health systems infrastructure

Elliott Fisher: geography/U.S. mapping of the COVID-19 pandemic

Feng Fu: mathematical biology, applied math, infectious diseases, cancer, evolutionary theory

James Geiling, MD: critical care in resource-poor settings, disaster medicine, disaster preparedness and response, challenges to rescue and recovery, veterans’ health care

Elizabeth A. Talbot: infectious disease, travel medicine, international health


Jorge Cuéllar: Central American politics, race, culture, migration, social movements, U.S. and Central America

Annelise Orleck: ethnicity and immigration in American history, women in politics, history of women’s rights, workplace equality

Ethan Lewis: immigration, how immigration benefits U.S.-born workers, technological change, U.S. public education

Emily Walton: race and place, residential experiences and health among multiple racial and ethnic groups, segregation, ethnic neighborhoods

Richard A. Wright: U.S. immigration, migration, race and racism in labor and housing markets


Andrew Levin: Inflation, macroeconomics, monetary policy, the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund

Invasive Species

Matthew Ayres: insect ecology, bark beetles, emerald ash borer, Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), mosquitoes, forest ecology, seasonal cycles, invasive-species ecology, climate change and pests

Labor Rights

Annelise Orleck: ethnicity and immigration in American history, women in politics, history of women’s rights, workplace equality

Kristin E. Smith: gender inequality, employment and earnings, and work and family policy

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies

Eng-Beng Lim: queer/transnational studies; queer pop culture; LGBTQIA issues; Asian American studies; ethnic studies; activism; diversity, equity, and inclusion

John (“Jack”) H. Turco: endocrinology, transgender care, sports medicine

The Middle East

Tarek El-Ariss: contemporary Arabic culture and media, comparative literature and critical theory, digital and visual culture, art

Rachel Z. Feldman: anthropology of religion, Judaism, Israel/Palestine, messianic movements, feminist and post-colonial studies

Ezzedine C. Fishere: Middle East politics; Arab revolutions and democracy; politics of Israel and Palestine; American Middle Eastern policy; Arab politics, culture and political thought

Susannah Heschel: Judaism, Nazi Germany, Jewish feminism, Abraham Geiger, and Jewish views of Islam

Mobile Health

David Kotz: mobile healthcare technology, security and privacy, wireless networks, smart home technology

Temiloluwa Prioleau: data science for health, mobile/wearable technology for healthcare

Nuclear Proliferation

Nicholas Miller: U.S. relations with North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia, and their nuclear capabilities; nuclear proliferation; international security; U.S. foreign policy

Russia and Ukraine

Udi Greenberg: European responses to the Russia – Ukraine conflict, the history of this conflict, Russian/Soviet imperialism, European-Russian relations

Brooke Harrington: economic sanctions and the Russian financial system, Russian oligarchs, financial markets and offshore banking, wealth and taxation, professional misconduct, social movements

Susannah Heschel: antisemitism, Judaism, Nazi Germany

Victoria K. Holt: public policy, diplomacy, peacekeeping, conflict prevention, counter-terrorism, international security

Jason Lyall: soldiers’ morale, military effectiveness, Russia, Afghanistan, international security, political violence, humanitarian assistance, research methods and ethics for conflict settings

Lynn Ellen Patyk: information warfare, terrorism and provocation, the Russian independent media 

William C. Wohlforth: Russian foreign policy, U.S. – Russia relations, Cold War, international security, international relations, leadership, and grand strategy

School Book Bans

Eng-Beng Lim: queer/transnational studies; queer pop culture; LGBTQIA issues; Asian American studies; ethnic studies; activism; diversity, equity, and inclusion

Science Policy and Diplomacy

Melody Brown Burkins: Arctic science policy and diplomacy; global science and diplomacy, including sustainability, inclusion and gender equality initiatives

Self-Driving Cars

Luis F. Alvarez León: self-driving cars and geospatial data, economic geography, geographic information, geospatial technologies, critical GIS, information policy, digital economy

Social Media

Soroush Vosoughi: social media analytics, machine learning, social cybersecurity, artificial intelligence

Student Loan Debt

Jason Houle: student loan debt, household debt, foreclosure crisis, sociology of mental health

U.K. Economics

David G. Blanchflower: Brexit, economics of the U.K., statistics, labor economics, microeconomics and econometrics

U.S. Trade Policy

Douglas Irwin: U.S. trade policy, globalization, U.S. trade with China, WTO

U.S. Politics

Joseph Bafumi: polling numbers, public opinion, America’s polarization

Randall Balmer: American religious history, faith in the presidency

Deborah Jordan Brooks: public opinion regarding female candidates, media and advertising in American politics

Linda L. Fowler: presidential primaries (especially N.H.), interest groups, campaign ethics

Michael C. Herron: election administration, ballot abnormalities and residual votes, government redistribution

Dean Lacy: elections, public opinion, political parties and interest groups

Russell Muirhead: political parties and ideology, democracy and politics

Annelise Orleck: ethnicity and immigration in American history, women in politics, history of women’s rights, workplace equality

Charles Wheelan: public policy, accessible economics, accessible statistics, U.S. protectionism


Kathryn Cottingham: aquatic ecology, food webs, invasive species, cyanobacterial blooms, nutrient cycling

Francis Magilligan: global water resources, human impacts on watersheds, flood hydrology

Wearable Technology/Mobile Sensing

Andrew Campbell: ubiquitous computing, wireless networks, mobile computing

David F. Kotz: mobile healthcare (mHealth) technology, security and privacy, wireless networks