January 2010 Research Awards


Dartmouth researchers were awarded $8.2 million during January, including $5.2 million in new and competing awards. Among the recipients of recent new and competing grants, as reported by the Office of Sponsored Projects:

Baker, Ian—Thayer School of Engineering National Science Foundation SGER: Magnetically Triggered Joining Using Nanocrystalline Fe-Al Powders 5-Month Award

Baron, John—Medicine University of Southern California Consortium for Colorectal Cancer Family Registry

Bengtson, Elizabeth—Medicine Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Phase 2 Randomized Study of Velcade, Dexamethasone and Revlimid vs Velcade Dexamethasone Cyclephosphamide and Revlimid in Previously Untreated Patients with Newly Diagnosed Symptomatic Multiple Myeloma 2-Year Award

Byock, Ira, M. Bakitas—Anesthesiology Dynamic Clinical Systems, Inc. Patient-Friendly IT System for Symptom Surveillance and Patient-Reported 9-Month Award

Cheung, Ambrose—Microbiology & Immunology National Institutes of Health Defining the Bacterial Factors that Modulate Sensitivity to B-lactam in CA-MRSA

Coffey, David—Medicine University of Vermont Parkinson Disease Neuroprotection Clinical Trial 6-Month Award

Dorsey, Michael—Environmental Studies Ford Foundation Climate Justice Research Group 2-Year Award

Fadul, Camilo—Medicine Schering-Plough Corporation A Randomized Phase 2 Study of Maintenance Temozolomide vs. Observation in Stable or Responding Stage IIIB/IV Non Small Cell Lung Cancer 2-Year Award

Frank, Elaine—Pediatrics State of New Hampshire, Highway Safety Agency Pickup Truck Seat Belt Campaign

Gerber, Scott—Genetics Tufts University Molecular Mechanisms of the Necroptosis Activation Complex

Gibbons, Frederick—Psychological and Brain Sciences, M. Gerrard—Psychiatry National Institute on Drug Abuse A Social-Cognitive Model of Adolescent Substance Use 9-Month Award

Granger, Richard—Psychological and Brain Sciences Portland State University Machine Architecture for Nano-Scale Intelligent Systems 8-Month Award

Hendricks, Kristy—Pediatrics Tufts University Evaluation of the Impact of Zinc and/or Micronutrient Supplementation on Intestinal Flora, Diarrheal Disease Burden, Intestinal Mucosal integrity and Growth among Cohorts of Children in Pakistan 4-Month Award

Hwa, John—Pharmacology & Toxicology, T. Mackenzie—Medicine, K. Martin—Surgery National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Pharmacogenetics of the Human Prostacyclin Receptor

Kress, Brian—Physics & Astronomy Science Systems and Applications, Incorporated NAIRAS Nowcast of Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation for Aviation Safety 6-Month Award

McAllister, Thomas, L. Flashman, J. Ford, M. Friedman, K. Mueser, P. Schnurr—Psychiatry, J. Moore—Genetics, T.D. Tosteson—Community & Family Medicine University of California, San Diego Dartmouth & NCPTSD/Northern New England VA Consortium for PTSD/TBI

Pavone, Mary—Women in Science Project Dept. of Defense, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. CRREL Contract for Services - WISP Internship Program 10-Month Award

Pogue, Brian—Biomedical Engineering Radiation Monitoring Devices, Incorporated Cancer Detection Using Diffuse Luminescence Imaging 2-Year Award

Romero-Sandoval, Edgar—Anesthesiology American Pain Society Cannabinoids and Glial Interactions in Acute and Chronic Pain 1.3-Year Award

Roskies, Adina—Philosophy Johns Hopkins University Free Will and Moral Responsibility: Implications of Advances in Neuroscience 2-Year Award

Rothstein, Richard—Medicine, G. Adrales, W. Laycock, M. Vassiliou—Surgery Massachusetts General Hospital NOTES Gastrojejunostomy

Shepherd, Simon—Thayer School of Engineering National Science Foundation Collaborative Research:  Mid-Latitude SuperDARN Radar Infrastructure for the Study of Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Atmospheric Processes on Global Scales 4-Year Award

Stecker, Tracy—Community & Family Medicine Veterans Administration IPA FY09: National Center for Patient Safety 9-Month Award

Tosteson, Tor Devin, A. Tosteson—Medicine, J. Weinstein—Orthopaedics Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making Alternative Approaches to Health Outcomes Calculators for Aiding Understand of the Results of Complex Longitudinal Clinical Trials: The Spine Patient Outcomes Trial (SPORT)

von Reyn, C, L. Adams, R. Waddell—Medicine, R. Connor, S. Dorosko—Microbiology & Immunology, K. Hendricks—Pediatrics National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Effects of Protein-calorie Supplementation on HIV Disease in Breastfeeding Women

von Reyn, C, T. Lahey, R. Waddell—Medicine Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation DarDar TB Vaccine Trial Cohort 6-Month Award

Award commitment from the sponsoring agency is for a single year unless otherwise indicated

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