Anne Hill, administrative assistant, Dartmouth Medical School (DMS) Dean’s Office
ON THE JOB: Anne Hill, of West Fairlee, Vt., provides administrative support for DMS faculty appointments, reappointments, and promotions. “Accuracy is really important. There is a lot of detail in the process from the time someone is hired all the way through to, perhaps, a promotion,” says Hill, who has been in the position for two years. Previously, she was the office manager for DMS Admissions.
Anne Hill (Photo by Joseph Mehling ’69)
CONNECTIONS: “I have had a chance to meet and work with some very interesting people,” says Hill, who also assists with department chair searches for the medical school.
WISE COUNSEL: Hill recently began volunteering with the Lebanon, N.H., nonprofit WISE, which provides support to victims of domestic and sexual violence. She takes overnight on-call shifts responding to WISE’s 24-hour assistance hotline. “Calls range from someone needing to find housing, a woman needing advice regarding restraining orders, or something more serious that might require medical or police attention,” says Hill. “A lot of times you have someone who just wants to talk, and that’s OK. You are there for the caller.”
OPPORTUNITY: “I wasn’t really looking to volunteer for this specifically,” says Hill, acknowledging that she was initially nervous about answering the hotline. “But the more I found out, I realized you don’t have to have a degree in this field to be able to help a woman in this situation. Anybody with a measure of compassion can do a great job.”
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