February 2010 Research Awards


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Becker, Deborah—Community and Family Medicine, S. McGurk, K. Mueser—PsychiatryBoston University Research and Training Center on Improving the Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities

Brakenridge, G Robert—GeographyJet Propulsion Laboratory San Joaquin and Sacramento Flood Inundation 0.7 Year Award

Buckey, Jay, T. MacKenzie, P. Palumbo, C. von Reyn, R. Waddell—MedicineNational Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disor Hearing Impairment in HIV-Infected and HIV/TB-Coinfected Individuals in Tanzania 5.0 Year Award

Enelow, Richard—Medicine, S. Fiering—Microbiology and ImmunologyUniversity of Virginia Organ Specific Anti-Viral Immunity: Role of Innate and Adaptive Immune Effectors

Garmire, Elsa, C. Sullivan—Thayer School of EngineeringNational Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance Pico-Hydro Electric Power for Isolated Villages 1.9 Year Award

Kasper, Lloyd—Medicine University of California, Los Angeles A Combination Trial of Copaxone Plus Estriol in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

Lusardi, Annamaria—Economics Rand Corporation Financial literacy Reseach Consortium:  Five Steps to Planning Success

Moeschler, John—Pediatrics Centers for Disease Control New Hampshire Birth Defects Project 5.0 Year Award

Morden, Nancy—Community and Family Medicine University of Colorado Sedative Hypnotic Use by the Mentally Ill: A Multi-State Medicaid Prescription Policy Study 0.8 Year Award

Mueller, Hans-Reinhard—Physics and Astronomy University of Chicago Modeling Effects in the Inner Heliosphere Relevant to Neutrals Observed by IBEX

Mueser, Kim—Psychiatry Veterans Administration Illness Management and Recovery for Veterans with Severe Mental Illness

Renshaw, Carl—Earth Sciences, J. Zullo—Education, V. May—Processing National Science Foundation New, GK-12: Fostering Scientific Creativity by Building Connections and Improving Science Communication Skills 5.0 Year Award

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Samnotra, Vivek—Medicine OSI Pharmaceuticals A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 3 Study of OSI-906 in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Adrenocortical Carcinoma 5.3 Year Award

Smith, Sean—Computer Science University of Illinois Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid

Stanton, Bruce, S. Marquis—Physiology, G. O’Toole—Microbiology and Immunology Cystic Fibrosis Foundation P. aeruginosa Biofilm Formation on Polarized CF Airway Epithelial Cells

Award commitment from the sponsoring agency is for a single year unless otherwise indicated.

Office of Communications