Chemistry Professor is Honored with American Chemical Society Fellowship



Peter Jacobi (photo by Joseph Mehling ’69)

Peter Jacobi, the New Hampshire Professor in Chemistry and chair of the chemistry department, has been elected a fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Jacobi, who has been a member of the ACS for 40 years says, “I’m very pleased to receive this honor and to acknowledge the supportive environment of the Department of Chemistry that helped to make it possible.” The fellowship is a lifetime appointment.

The honor recognizes outstanding contributions to science, the ACS, and society. Jacobi is one of 192 honorees to earn the distinction this year out of a membership of 165,000. His research interests include natural products chemistry, organic synthesis, and heterocyclic chemistry.

At Dartmouth, Jacobi teaches organic chemistry courses and leads the Jacobi Research Group, which brings together undergraduate and graduate students from around the world to engage in research that focuses on three areas of organic chemistry: mechanistic theory, providing a detailed analysis of how reactions occur; synthetic methodology, developing new reactions and procedures for synthesizing organic molecules; and the synthesis of complex molecules of either natural or unnatural origin.

Tiffany Pollack