Dartmouth alumni with connections to the Peace Corps will speak to students during a free panel at the Collis Center at 6 p.m., September 28. Representatives of the Peace Corps will also be on campus from 12-4 p.m. for the College’s Employer Connections Fair, open to all students.

Kiva Wilson ’04 (left), Peace Corps diversity outreach specialist, served as a Peace Corps volunteer in El Salvador. She is pictured with representatives of a local community development organization as they plan a water project in San Fidel, El Salvador. (photo courtesy of the Peace Corps)
The panel’s speakers are:
Shari Hubert ’92, Peace Corps Director of RecruitmentA French major at Dartmouth, Hubert now develops strategy designed to recruit more than 4,500 volunteers annually as she manages the operations of nine regional recruitment offices within the United States.
Kiva Wilson ’04, Peace Corps Diversity Outreach SpecialistAs a Peace Corps volunteer, Wilson assisted El Salvador residents in developing various projects, including an organic garden and a water system. In her new role at the Peace Corps, Wilson aims to increase the diversity of the cultural backgrounds among volunteers.
Adam Shpeen ’07, student at Columbia University Law SchoolShpeen spent his two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in Tlhakgameng, South Africa, where he worked with community leaders to develop educational programming devoted to HIV/AIDS.
Stacy Ritter Brown ’91, Northeast Forest Climate Manager, National Wildlife FederationBrown worked for the Peace Corps in Mali as the Small Enterprise Development Program Manager in 2008-2009.
The panel was organized by staff at the Tucker Foundation and Caitlin Ardrey ’13, a government major, and Alison Oberg ’13, an Asian and Middle Eastern Studies major. The two students will also be singing with the Dartmouth Rockapellas, an all-female a cappella group, during a performance prior to the panel.
Dartmouth is a nationally ranked Peace Corps “Top College” with 17 alumni currently serving overseas. Since the Peace Corps was founded in 1961, more than 600 Dartmouth graduates have served as volunteers overseas. John A. Rassias, the William R. Kenan Professor and founder of the Rassias Foundation, helped to develop Peace Corps language training programs.
While the Peace Corps was created in 1961, President John F. Kennedy delivered the speech that inspired the agency on October 14, 1960. The Peace Corps will be recognizing its 50th anniversary throughout 2011.
The Peace Corps currently has 7,671 volunteers serving in 77 host countries. Historically, nearly 200,000 Americans have served with the Peace Corps in 139 host countries. Learn more about the Peace Corps.