December 2010 Research Awards


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Ahmed, Yasmath—GeneticsEmerald Foundation Regulation of the Wnt/b-Catenin Signal Transduction Pathway

Anton, Kristen—Community & Family MedicineJet Propulsion Laboratory JPL Early Detection Research Network 4-Month Project

Anton, KristenCommunity & Family MedicineUniversity of Southern California The Colon Cancer Family Registry: USC Consortium

Barry, Elizabeth, J. ReesCommunity & Family Medicine, K. HendricksPediatricsUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Vitamin D and the Risk of Upper Respiratory and GI Infections

BelBruno, JosephChemistryConstellation Wines U.S. The Application of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers to the Extraction of Methoxypyrazines from Wine

Chen, CeliaBiological SciencesEcosystems Research Group, Ltd. Mercury in the Lake Champlain Food Web

Cochran, NancyThe Dartmouth Inst. for Health Policy & Clinical PracticeFoundation for Informed Medical Decision Making Implementing Shared Decision Making in Primary Care (VA) 3-Month Project

Enelow, RichardMedicineMedical College of Georgia Cellular Targets of Influenza Infection in Vivo

Fanos, JoannaPediatricsUniversity of Massachusetts New England Regional Cooperative, Heritable Disorders

Fisher, ElliottThe Dartmouth Inst. for Health Policy & Clinical Practice, E. Nelson - Community & Family MedicineCommonwealth Fund Developing and Implementing Standardized Performance Measure Collection and Reporting to Evaluate Accountable Care Organizations

Freemantle, SarahPharmacology & ToxicologyUniting Against Lung Cancer Therapeutic Targeting of Oncogenic MicroRNA-31 in Lung Cancer 2-Year Project

Funnell, MargaretWomen in Science ProjectDept. of Defense, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. CRREL Contract for Services - WISP Internship Program

Green, AlanPsychiatryState of Maine Psychiatric Staffing

Green, Alan, M. BrunettePsychiatryFast-Track Drugs and Biologics, LLC A Phase 2, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Varenicline Tartrate for Alcohol Dependence in Very Heavy Drinkers

Higgs, HenryBiochemistryBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Biological Mechanism of INF2-Mediated FSGS

Leiter, James, M. BilodeauPhysiologyAmerican Heart Association - Founders Affiliate The Role of the Astrocytic Mas Receptor in the RVLM in a Setting of Chronic Heart Failure: Is it a Critical Component of Enhanced Sympathetic Tone? 2-Year Project

McGovern, MarkPsychiatryNew Futures Adolescent Treatment Initiative 3-Month Project

Mirza, SohailOrthopaedicsOregon Health Sciences University Complications of Surgery for Spinal Stenosis: A Clinical Prediction Rule

Rees, Judith, A. AndrewCommunity & Family Medicine, A. TostesonMedicine ICF MacroCDC Core Registry Activities and Special Projects 3-Year Project

Samaha, DebraPediatricsState of New Hampshire, Highway Safety Agency Virtual Driver Interactive Simulators

Sempere, Lorenzo, T. MacKenzie, G. SchwartzMedicine, W. WellsPathologyNational Cancer Institute MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for Management of Breast Cancer 2-Year Project

Shubitidze, FridonThayer School of EngineeringGeometrics, Inc. Expanded Processing Techniques for EMI Systems

Sporn, MichaelPharmacology & ToxicologyNational Foundation for Cancer Research Prevention of Cancer with Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Taenzer, AndreasAnesthesiologyChildren’s Hospital Boston Effects of General vs. Regional Anesthesia on Infant Neurodevelopment and Apnea

Taube, JeffreyPsychological and Brain SciencesAmerican Psychological Association Interactions Between the Brain’s Representation of Spatial Location and Direction

Award commitment from the sponsoring agency is for a single year unless otherwise indicated.

Office of Communications