Associate Professor Jonathan Zinman will serve a three-year term on the Consumer Advisory Council, which advises the Federal Reserve Board on consumer financial services matters. (photo by Joseph Mehling ’69)
The Federal Reserve Board has named Associate Professor of Economics Jonathan Zinman as one of 10 new members to its Consumer Advisory Council (CAC).
“I’m very excited about the opportunities for the different constituencies on the CAC to learn from each other,” said Zinman. “There seems to be a lot of appetite these days for taking insights from research and applying them to policy and practice in consumer finance. On the flip side, I look forward to learning more about how to do research and communicate findings in a way that moves the needle on policy debates.”
The Consumer Advisory Council, established in 1976, advises the Federal Reserve Board on its responsibilities under the Consumer Credit Protection Act and on other matters in the area of consumer financial services. The council membership represents interests of consumers, communities and the finance services industry.
Zinman became a member of Dartmouth’s faculty in 2005 after working as a researcher at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He is a visiting scholar at the Payment Cards Center at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, a member of the Behavioral Finance Forum, and a research associate of Innovations for Poverty Action and J-PAL. He is also a member of the Research Advisory Board member of stickk.com, a website that enables users to make commitment contracts in order to reach their personal goals, and a member of the Sage/Sloan Foundations working group on behavioral economics and the regulation of retail financial markets.
Members are appointed by the Board of Governors and serve staggered three-year terms. The council meets three times a year in Washington, D.C., and the meetings are open to the public.