Jackson Katz will speak on campus about preventing violence against women. (photo courtesy of Jackson Katz)
Jackson Katz, one of America’s leading anti-sexist male activists, will give a free public lecture Preventing Violence Against Women Takes a Village ... and a Campus, on May 3, at 4 p.m. in Moore Hall, Filene Auditorium. While at Dartmouth, Katz will also lead meetings and workshops with students.
An author, filmmaker, educator and social theorist, Katz is the co-founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) program, a leading gender violence prevention initiative in professional and college athletics. He is also director of the first worldwide sexual and domestic violence prevention program in the U.S. Marine Corp.
Katz’s visit is sponsored by the Student Special Programs and Events Committee, Dartmouth Athletics, Dartmouth Men’s Forum student group, Center for Women and Gender, Women’s and Gender Studies Program, the Office of the President, the Tucker Foundation, and the nonprofit organization WISE of the Upper Valley.