Harvey Frommer, sports journalist and professor of liberal studies in Dartmouth’s Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) program, has published Remembering Fenway Park: An Oral and Narrative History of the Home of the Boston Red Sox (Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2011).
Harvey Frommer, professor of liberal studies at Dartmouth, is the author of Remembering Fenway Park: An Oral and Narrative History of the Home of the Boston Red Sox (photo by Johnathan Recor)
“Remembering Fenway Park was truly a labor of love,” says Frommer, a noted oral historian. “I interviewed about 140 people: past Red Sox players and opponents, fans, media people, ballpark workers like the scoreboard operator and head groundskeeper, team executives, a nun, a monsignor, and a bishop.” Frommer’s decade-by-decade narrative weaves those interviews together with several hundred archival images to tell the history of Fenway and the Red Sox. Remembering Fenway Park is his 41st book.
Frommer will be taking part in several events in conjunction with the book’s publication, including a book signing on Tuesday, April 5, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Dartmouth Bookstore, 33 South Main St., Hanover, N.H. On Wednesday, April 13, the Howe Library hosts a reading and book signing beginning at 7 p.m. in the Mayer Room of the library, at 13 South St. in Hanover.