US, Allies Optimistic Gadhafi’s ‘Days Are Numbered’ (NPR)



Associate Professor Dirk Vandewalle is an expert on modern Libya. (photo by Joseph Mehling ’69)

Although diplomats in the U.S. and around the world are optimistic Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi will give up power soon, Associate Professor of Government Dirk Vandewalle is not as certain about when that day will come.

“I’m reasonably skeptical because we heard those kinds of reports two months ago already,” he told NPR. Vandewalle is sure Gadhafi will run out of cash and support eventually, but the Libyan leader has proven to be more resilient than anyone expected.

Listen to the full story, which was broadcast on the NPR program All Things Considered on 07/14/11. Read an interview with Vandewalle from last spring.

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