Experiments in Microgravity


Four students took the ride of a lifetime in June aboard a NASA plane flying parabolic maneuvers over the Gulf of Mexico to achieve 30-second bursts of zero-gravity conditions.


Max Fagin, Thayer ’11, floats in reduced gravity. He and his Thayer design team created a dehumidification system for space flight and were accepted to NASA’s Microgravity University, where they tested their designs in reduced gravity. (photo by Robert Markowitz)

Broghan Cully ’11; Sean Currey ’11; Max Fagin, Thayer ’11; and Michael, Kellar, Thayer ’11 were participating in NASA’s Microgravity University, which offers students the chance to conduct experiments in a space-like environment. The team tried out a project they completed for the courses “Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation” and “Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion,” Thayer School of Engineering’s capstone undergraduate design course sequence. The project: a dehumidification system for spacecraft cabins.

Read the full story, published in the Summer 2011 issue of Dartmouth Engineer magazine.

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