Smartphone Game Turns College Tours, Orientations Into Scavenger Hunts (Chronicle of Higher Education)


For prospective students, it’s great to take a guide-led tour of the Dartmouth campus. But what if they can’t make the tour’s start time?

Enter SVCNGR, software that is allowing the Dartmouth Office of Admissions to design a self-guided tour that runs on smart phones. As The Chronicle of Higher Education reports, the application makes use of location-based technology and also incorporates “challenges,” or game-like tasks.

“Rather than a static paper handout of a self-guided tour, SCVNGR is going to guide them around campus and give them something to do,” John J. Beck Jr., senior assistant director of admissions, told The Chronicle.

Read the full story, published on The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Wired Campus blog on 09/09/11.

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