Buried Threat: Military Tests Device to Find Unexploded Bombs (InnovationNewsDaily)


Around the world, millions of bombs that were dropped but never exploded sit buried where they landed, according to InnovationNewsDaily. In the past, governments have relied on basic metal detectors to locate these dangerous weapons for removal. Now a team of Dartmouth researchers has developed a technology to make the process much more effective.

Led by Assistant Professor of Engineering Fridon Shubitidze, the team has created computer algorithms that can detect a buried explosive’s magnetic field. The technology allows militaries to distinguish between explosives and scrap metal, something metal detectors can’t do.

“The goal is to dig up all the explosives—100 percent—and leave behind 75 percent of the clutter,” says Shubitidze.

Last month, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded the Dartmouth team its Project of the Year award, as well as a $1.4 million grant to improve the technology over the next three years.

Read the full story, published on 12/8/11 by InnovationNewsDaily.

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