“A Rooster Named Betty” and Other Community Goods and Services Now Available on Dartlist.com


Need to sell a mini-fridge, get a ride to Boston, and find an apartment in the Upper Valley? Check out Dartlist.com, a new website where members of the Dartmouth and Dartmouth-Hitchcock communities can buy, sell, exchange, and give away goods and services.


Since its launch in September 2011, nearly 300 posts have been made to the site. On a recent day in December, they ranged from cross-country skis for sale; a summer 2012 house rental in Norwich, Vt.; a request for a ride to Rochester, N.Y.; and a free Orpington rooster named Betty.

Director of Sustainability Rosi Kerr ’97 helped launch the site with Fedor Petrenko, an intern in the Sustainability Office.

Kerr says, “Reusing goods and sharing transportation is one of the simplest things we can do to benefit the environment. It just makes sense and it saves us money. Also, these transactions can lead to connections that may not have happened otherwise, so we hope the site can also help build community.”


Rosie Kerr recently advertised an Orpington Rooster similar to this one on Dartlist.com. (photo by Myrtle Point Heritage Farm)

All students and employees with a Dartmouth or a Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center email address can post notices to the site.

About that rooster: The author of the post was Kerr, who wrote that Betty (a surprise in a batch of chicks all meant to be hens) needed a new home because his day-welcoming crowing was getting earlier and earlier. The rooster has since found a home at a farm in Vermont.

Steven Smith