Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof will speak at Dartmouth on July 5, as part of the “Leading Voices in U.S. Foreign Policy” lecture series. The talk, free and open to the public, will begin in the Hopkins Center’s Spaulding Auditorium at 4 p.m.

Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof will speak at Dartmouth on July 5, in the Hopkins Center’s Spaulding Auditorium at 4 p.m. (courtesy of Nicholas Kristof)
The Leading Voices series is in its third season. The first season, “Leading Voices in Politics and Policy”, brought national political figures and policymakers to campus last summer. “Leading Voices in Higher Education”, part of Dartmouth’s strategic planning process, has featured visits from prominent writers, figures, and thinkers within higher education.
Kristof is one of six speakers in the current series, which includes a global health leader, retired Navy admiral, climate change diplomat, former Defense Department official, and a noted economist.
The series supplements a government class for sophomores, who spend the summer term at Dartmouth. The course, “America and the World: Contemporary Issues in U.S. Foreign Policy,” is taught by Benjamin Valentino, associate professor of government. Each week, a different faculty member will lead the class, giving an introductory lecture to prepare students for the address by the visiting presenter, who will speak to the class and the public later in the week.
“Nicholas Kristof is one of the world’s most influential voices on human rights,” Valentino says, “I’m hoping he will provide students in the class with an opportunity to think about what responsibilities Americans have to protect human rights in the rest of the world and what are the best ways to go about doing that.”
Kristof’s lecture, “Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women All Over the World,” is based on his most recent book, which he wrote with his wife, Sheryl WuDunn. Kristoff and WuDunn will sign their book immediately following his lecture.
Kristof joined the Times in 1984 and served as a correspondent in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Tokyo. He won the Pulitzer Prize twice, in 1990 with WuDunn, who is also a Times journalist, and again in 2006. Kristof has covered presidential politics, and authored a chapter on George W. Bush in the reference book The Presidents. Kristof also writes at www.facebook.com/kristof and twitter.com/NickKristof.
Visit the Office of the President website for “Leading Voices in U.S. Foreign Policy” information and the lecture schedule.