The Wristwatch That Monitors Your Health (Popular Mechanics)


Popular Mechanics reports on Amulet, a miniaturized tracker that can communicate wirelessly with the wearers’ insulin pumps, blood pressure cuffs, or other medical appliances. The device was developed by Dartmouth postdoctoral research associate Jacob Sorber and his team at the Institute for Security, Technology, and Society.

For instance, if Amulet gets a signal from a wearer’s insulin pump, it might vibrate to let the person know that his or her blood sugar is dropping, the magazine reports. Amulet is designed to be worn much like a wristwatch.

“The applications we’re envisioning are as automated as possible,” Sorber tells Popular Mechanics. “We want it (medical aid) to happen directly and automatically.”

Read the full story published 8/15/12 in Popular Mechanics.

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