Dartmouth Hosts Global Economists Conference


A crowd of 270 economists from all six continents arrived at Dartmouth this fall to exchange ideas about global economic issues.

“Over the last decade, the Department of Economics at Dartmouth has become one of the leading centers for research in development economics, and we welcomed 270 research economists from around the world with enthusiasm,” says Eric Edmonds, professor of economics.

University of Colorado Assistant Professor Francisca Antman presents at the November NEUDC conference in the Dickey Center. (Photo by Sharon Tribou-St. Martin)

For the first time, Dartmouth hosted the Northeast Universities Development Consortium Conference (NEUDC) as visiting economists, Dartmouth faculty, alumni, and students listened to paper presentations and lectures. The annual conference focuses on improving the lives of the poor around the world. The event was held at the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding.

Dickey Center Acting Director Christianne Wohlforth says this was an important event to host at Dartmouth.

“Hosting the NEUDC conference was a great way to raise the profile of the Dickey Center and Dartmouth with an international cohort of scholars and policy makers who are concerned with global development,” says Wohlforth.

Edmonds says this was a good way to demonstrate the research that takes place at Dartmouth.

“The event staff at the Dickey Center helped us put on a great conference,” says Edmonds. “It was a great opportunity to show off what we are building at Dartmouth and to expose some of our best students to the full breadth of research under way in development economics around the world.”

The annual event, which dates back to 1967, was last hosted at Yale University’s Economic Growth Center. Next year’s conference will be held at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Keith Chapman