Whether starting a farming project to provide food for children in Swaziland, co-hosting a Liberian radio show to promote responsible sexual behavior, or researching Chilean corporations, Dartmouth students have an abundance of experiences to share at the January 21 Student Forum on Global Learning.

“The Student Forum on Global Learning is an amazing showcase of the many and diverse cross-culture opportunities Dartmouth students experience, and what they learn from them,” says Christianne Hardy Wohlforth, associate director of the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding. “Every year I learn something from the presentations, and never cease to be amazed by the smart, insightful students who surround us.”
More than 35 students will present their research and talk about their experiences from study abroad trips, research projects and more. The participants will promote discussion about global issues ranging from nutrition to discrimination in education to national identity. The fourth annual event (on the 21st), which begins at 11:30 a.m. in Kemeny 008, features opening remarks from President Carol L. Folt and renowned photojournalist and Roth Distinguished Visiting Scholar James Nachtwey ’70.
“I am looking forward to sharing my reflections on how the lines around my identity were blurred—and often transposed completely—during my time abroad in Kenya. My experience called into question my previous notions of constructions of race as well as white privilege,” says Celeste Winston ’14, a geography major who taught math, science, and English to fourth- through sixth-graders in Kenya.
There are three 45-minute presentation sessions, beginning at 12:15 p.m., 1:15 p.m., and 2:15 p.m. Each session features several presentations, which run concurrently in separate rooms in Kemeny Hall and Haldeman Center. Between sessions, at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m., students will give poster presentations in the Russo Gallery in Haldeman.
The list below shows the presentation titles, location, and speakers for the January 21st event. For presenters’ biographies, as well as a complete summary of the event, visit Dartmouth’s Martin Luther King Day Celebration website.

Session 1, 12:15 to 1 p.m.
- “Local Food Systems for Agricultural Sustainability and Nutrition,” in Kemeny 105. Presenters: Helen Ma, a Geisel School of Medicine student, Thabo Matse ’14, and Daniel Bornstein ’14
- “How Race Takes Place,” in Kemeny 108. Presenters: Celeste Winston ’14, Jessica Womack ’14, and Mayowa Willoughby ’14.
- “E-Learning for Social Change: Learning and Leading with Grassroots Change Agents,” in Haldeman 124. Presenters: Piotr Dormus ’15, Mahmud Johnson ’13, Aurelia Solomon ’13, Kelly Tropin ’13, and Jeff Wilson ’13.
- “Exploring Identity at Home and Abroad,” in Haldeman 125. Presenters: Miriam Kilimo ’14 and Geovanni Cuevas ’14.
- “Health, Culture, and Resources: Home and Abroad,” in Kemeny 105. Presenters: Joanna Schneider ’13, Carly Carlin ’15, and Sarah Cashdollar ’13.
- “Consequences of Education Discrimination in Haiti and Kuwait: Informal Instruction of the English Language,” in Haldeman 124. Presenters: Christine Bub ’13, Caitlin Foley ’13, and Jacqueline Waugh ’13.
- “Within, Without: Identities of Self and Nation,” in Haldeman 125. Presenters: Ben Nguyen ’14 and Elizabeth Raphael ’13
- “Empowerment and Resolution Through Art,” in Kemeny 105. Presenters: Sarah Aronson ’13, Evan Diamond ’13, and Santiago Guerrero ’14.
- “Design Thinking Across Cultures: Tackling the World’s Biggest Challenges,” in Kemeny 108. Presenters: Sarah-Marie Hopf ’13, Georgi Klissurski ’14, and Elijah Moreno ’15.
- “Disease Awareness, Prevention, and the Implementation of Health Care Programs: Lessons From East Africa,” in Haldeman 124. Presenters: Leo M. Gribelyuk, Tuck ’13/Geisel ’13, and Julia Roper ’15.
- “Remembrances: Personal Tales of Identity in Cross-Cultural Encounters,” in Haldeman 125. Presenters: Victoria Trump Redd ’14, Shloka Kini ’13, and Kuan-Lin Liu ’15.
- “Network Analysis of Chilean Corporate Interlocks,” presented by Todor Parushev ’14
- “The Sunshine and Love Free Clinic,” presented by Mengyi Zha, a Geisel student
- “Challenges and Strategies for Implementing Water and Sanitation Programs in Bangladesh,” presented by Faseeha Altaf, MPH ’13
- “Challenges of Developing and Distributing Sustainable, Affordable, and Socially-Conscious Technologies,” presented by Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering.