Dartmouth researchers were awarded $2 million in new and competing awards during February 2013, as reported by the Office of Sponsored Projects.
February 2013 Research Awards
Award commitment from the sponsoring agency is for a single year unless otherwise indicated.
Duane Compton—BiochemistrySponsoring agency: National Institute of General Medical Sciences Project: “Organization of the Mammalian Mitotic Spindle” Four-year project
Surachai Supattapone—BiochemistrySponsoring agency: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Project: “Mechanism of Prion Propagation” Five-year project
Maia Rutman—PediatricsSponsoring agency: Bureau of Maternal and Child Health Project: “Emergency Medical Services for Children State Partnership” Four-year project
Laura Flashman, T. McAllister and P. Schnurr—PsychiatrySponsoring agency: Veterans Medical Research Foundation Project: “ACT Trial-Therapist Togus ME and Project Lead” Two-year project
Tracy Stecker—Community and Family MedicineSponsoring agency: Department of Defense, Army Medical Research and Development Project: “Increasing Treatment Seeking Among At-Risk Service Members Returning from War Zones” Five-year project
John Lyon—Physics and AstronomySponsoring agency: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Project: “Energy Transport from Tail to Ring Current via Fast, Low Entropy Flows” Four-year project
Diane Gilbert-Diamond and Z. Li—Community and Family Medicine, T. Heatherton—Psychological and Brain Sciences and J. Sargent—PediatricsSponsoring agency: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Project: “Children’s Genetic Predisposition to Eat Without Hunger After Food Advertisements” Two-year project
Brock Christensen, A. Andrew, J. Gui and M. Karagas—Community and Family MedicineSponsoring agency: National Cancer Institute Project: “MicroRNA Related Genetic Variation in Bladder Cancer” Two-year project
Carrie Colla—The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice AdministrationSponsoring agency: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Project: “Prevalence and Variation in Over-Use of Health Services: Choosing Wisely”
George Cybenko—Thayer School of EngineeringSponsoring agency: Department of Defense, Air Force Research Laboratory Project: “Quantifying and Assessing Covertness in Adversarial Environments”
Richard Enelow and T. MacKenzie—MedicineSponsoring agency: Veterans Administration Project: “IPA-MacKenzie” 10-month project
Scott Chasan-Taber—The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice AdministrationSponsoring agency: State of Vermont Project: “Analysis Health Care Spending” Two-year project