Dartmouth Discovery: Grants


Dartmouth researchers were awarded $2 million in new and competing awards during February 2013, as reported by the Office of Sponsored Projects.

Surachai Supattapone is a professor of biochemistry at the Geisel School of Medicine. His project, “Mechanism of Prion Propagation,” is sponsored by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (Photo by Joe Mehling ’69)

February 2013 Research Awards

Award commitment from the sponsoring agency is for a single year unless otherwise indicated.

Duane Compton—BiochemistrySponsoring agency: National Institute of General Medical Sciences Project: “Organization of the Mammalian Mitotic Spindle” Four-year project

Surachai Supattapone—BiochemistrySponsoring agency: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Project: “Mechanism of Prion Propagation” Five-year project

Maia Rutman—PediatricsSponsoring agency: Bureau of Maternal and Child Health Project: “Emergency Medical Services for Children State Partnership” Four-year project

Laura Flashman, T. McAllister and P. Schnurr—PsychiatrySponsoring agency: Veterans Medical Research Foundation Project: “ACT Trial-Therapist Togus ME and Project Lead” Two-year project

Tracy Stecker—Community and Family MedicineSponsoring agency: Department of Defense, Army Medical Research and Development Project: “Increasing Treatment Seeking Among At-Risk Service Members Returning from War Zones” Five-year project

John Lyon—Physics and AstronomySponsoring agency: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Project: “Energy Transport from Tail to Ring Current via Fast, Low Entropy Flows” Four-year project

Diane Gilbert-Diamond and Z. Li—Community and Family Medicine, T. Heatherton—Psychological and Brain Sciences and J. Sargent—PediatricsSponsoring agency: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Project: “Children’s Genetic Predisposition to Eat Without Hunger After Food Advertisements” Two-year project

Brock Christensen, A. Andrew, J. Gui and M. Karagas—Community and Family MedicineSponsoring agency: National Cancer Institute Project: “MicroRNA Related Genetic Variation in Bladder Cancer” Two-year project

Carrie Colla—The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice AdministrationSponsoring agency: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Project: “Prevalence and Variation in Over-Use of Health Services: Choosing Wisely”

George Cybenko—Thayer School of EngineeringSponsoring agency: Department of Defense, Air Force Research Laboratory Project: “Quantifying and Assessing Covertness in Adversarial Environments”

Richard Enelow and T. MacKenzie—MedicineSponsoring agency: Veterans Administration Project: “IPA-MacKenzie” 10-month project

Scott Chasan-Taber—The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice AdministrationSponsoring agency: State of Vermont Project: “Analysis Health Care Spending” Two-year project

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