Dartmouth researchers were awarded $2.2 million in new and competing awards during March 2013, as reported by the Office of Sponsored Projects.
March 2013 Research Awards
Award commitment from the sponsoring agency is for a single year unless otherwise indicated.
Lisa Adams, P. Palumbo, E. Talbot, R. Waddell, C. von Reyn—MedicineSponsoring agency: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health Project: “TB IQC, TB Tsk Order 2015” Nine-month project
William Black—RadiologySponsoring agency: American College of Radiology Project: “ACRIN 6654 Medicare Data Analysis Subaward Agreement”
Francois Dorais—MathematicsSponsoring agency: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Project: “MathOverflow”
Alan Eastman—Pharmacology and Toxicology and N. Khan—RadiologySponsoring agency: National Cancer Institute Project: “Mechanisms of Sensitivity to Cell Cycle Checkpoint Inhibitors” Five-year project
Kevin Evans—College Forester OfficeSponsoring agency: USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Project: “EQIP Program: Old Roadway Reclamation and Bronto Work” 56-month project
Rory Gawler—Outdoor ProgramsSponsoring agency: Fields Pond Foundation Project: “Smarts Mountain Trail Maintenance” Four-month project
Paul Gorman—PsychiatrySponsoring agency: Vermont Department of Health Project: “Vermont State Hospital Consultation” Four-month project
Alan Green, D. Gulick and J. Khokhar—PsychiatrySponsoring agency: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Project: “Iloperidone for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder in Schizophrenia: A Preclinical Study in Alcohol-Preferring Rodents” 15-month project
Alan Gustman—EconomicsSponsoring agency: University of Michigan Project: “The Social Security Windfall Elimination & Government Pension Offset Provisions for Public Employees in the Health and Retirement Study”
Todd Heatherton—Psychological and Brain SciencesSponsoring agency: National Cancer Institute Project: “Neural Predictors of Real World Appetitive and Addictive Behaviors” Four-year project
P. Jack Hoopes—SurgerySponsoring agency: Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. Project: “Ethicon Training Course” 14-month project
Kristina Lynch and R. Millan—Physics & AstronomySponsoring agency: University of New Hampshire Project: “UNH-Dartmouth NASA EPSCoR” Three-year project
John Moeschler—PediatricsSponsoring agency: University of New Hampshire Project: “A University Affiliated Program in New Hampshire”
Rachel Obbard—Thayer School of EngineeringSponsoring agency: National Science Foundation Project: “Bromide in Snow in the Sea Ice Zone” Three-year project
Andrew Pachner—NeurologySponsoring agency: The Sanofi-Aventis Group Project: “Teriflunomide and Disability Progression in an Animal Model of MS”
Keith Paulsen—Thayer School of EngineeringSponsoring agency: National Cancer Institute Project: “Combined Breast Tomosynthesis and Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Cancer Detection” Four-year project
Eugene Santos—Thayer School of Engineering and G. Cybenko—Electrical and Computer EngineeringSponsoring agency: Arctan, Inc. Project: “Detecting Manipulation of the Trading Mechanisms and Instruments Used for Financial Securities”
Anna Shubina—Institute for Security, Technology, and SocietySponsoring agency: Milcord Incorporated Project: “VPN Underground: Fingerprinter Tool & Guidelines to Limit Identifying VPN Traces” Five-month project
Rachel Silver—Office of the ProvostSponsoring agency: The Bernard Osher Foundation Project: “ILEAD Program Support”
Mark Splaine—The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, P. Batalden—Pediatrics and G. Ogrinc—MedicineSponsoring agency: Veterans Administration Project: “Development of a VA National Quality Scholars Program”
Timothy Stablein—Institute for Security, Technology, and Society and K. Loud—PediatricsSponsoring agency: Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality Project: “Privacy in Practice: The Role of EHRs in Pediatrician Interactions with Patients” 18-month project
Scott Williams—Institute for Quantitative Biomedical SciencesSponsoring agency: Vanderbilt University Project: “Pharmacogenetics of ACE inhibitor-Associated Angioedema” 35-month project
Michael Zegans—SurgerySponsoring agency: University of California, San Francisco Project: “Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial and TANA II ”