Dartmouth Discovery: Grants


Dartmouth researchers were awarded $2.2 million in new and competing awards during March 2013, as reported by the Office of Sponsored Projects.

Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy Robyn Millan, shown above with graduate student Brett Anderson, is working with Professor of Physics and Astronomy Kristina Lynch on a three-year project sponsored by the University of New Hampshire. (Photo by Eli Burakian ’00)

March 2013 Research Awards

Award commitment from the sponsoring agency is for a single year unless otherwise indicated.

Lisa Adams, P. Palumbo, E. Talbot, R. Waddell, C. von Reyn—MedicineSponsoring agency: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health Project: “TB IQC, TB Tsk Order 2015” Nine-month project

William Black—RadiologySponsoring agency: American College of Radiology Project: “ACRIN 6654 Medicare Data Analysis Subaward Agreement”

Francois Dorais—MathematicsSponsoring agency: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Project: “MathOverflow”

Alan Eastman—Pharmacology and Toxicology and N. Khan—RadiologySponsoring agency: National Cancer Institute Project: “Mechanisms of Sensitivity to Cell Cycle Checkpoint Inhibitors” Five-year project

Kevin Evans—College Forester OfficeSponsoring agency: USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Project: “EQIP Program: Old Roadway Reclamation and Bronto Work” 56-month project

Rory Gawler—Outdoor ProgramsSponsoring agency: Fields Pond Foundation Project: “Smarts Mountain Trail Maintenance” Four-month project

Paul Gorman—PsychiatrySponsoring agency: Vermont Department of Health Project: “Vermont State Hospital Consultation” Four-month project

Alan Green, D. Gulick and J. Khokhar—PsychiatrySponsoring agency: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Project: “Iloperidone for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder in Schizophrenia:  A Preclinical Study in Alcohol-Preferring Rodents” 15-month project

Alan Gustman—EconomicsSponsoring agency: University of Michigan Project: “The Social Security Windfall Elimination & Government Pension Offset Provisions for Public Employees in the Health and Retirement Study”

Todd Heatherton—Psychological and Brain SciencesSponsoring agency: National Cancer Institute Project: “Neural Predictors of Real World Appetitive and Addictive Behaviors” Four-year project

P. Jack Hoopes—SurgerySponsoring agency: Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. Project: “Ethicon Training Course” 14-month project

Kristina Lynch and R. Millan—Physics & AstronomySponsoring agency: University of New Hampshire Project: “UNH-Dartmouth NASA EPSCoR” Three-year project

John Moeschler—PediatricsSponsoring agency: University of New Hampshire Project: “A University Affiliated Program in New Hampshire”

Rachel Obbard—Thayer School of EngineeringSponsoring agency: National Science Foundation Project: “Bromide in Snow in the Sea Ice Zone” Three-year project

Andrew Pachner—NeurologySponsoring agency: The Sanofi-Aventis Group Project: “Teriflunomide and Disability Progression in an Animal Model of MS”

Keith Paulsen—Thayer School of EngineeringSponsoring agency: National Cancer Institute Project: “Combined Breast Tomosynthesis and Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Cancer Detection” Four-year project

Eugene Santos—Thayer School of Engineering and G. Cybenko—Electrical and Computer EngineeringSponsoring agency: Arctan, Inc. Project: “Detecting Manipulation of the Trading Mechanisms and Instruments Used for Financial Securities”

Anna Shubina—Institute for Security, Technology, and SocietySponsoring agency: Milcord Incorporated Project: “VPN Underground: Fingerprinter Tool & Guidelines to Limit Identifying VPN Traces” Five-month project

Rachel Silver—Office of the ProvostSponsoring agency: The Bernard Osher Foundation Project: “ILEAD Program Support”

Mark Splaine—The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, P. Batalden—Pediatrics and G. Ogrinc—MedicineSponsoring agency: Veterans Administration Project: “Development of a VA National Quality Scholars Program”

Timothy Stablein—Institute for Security, Technology, and Society and K. Loud—PediatricsSponsoring agency: Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality Project: “Privacy in Practice: The Role of EHRs in Pediatrician Interactions with Patients” 18-month project

Scott Williams—Institute for Quantitative Biomedical SciencesSponsoring agency: Vanderbilt University Project: “Pharmacogenetics of ACE inhibitor-Associated Angioedema” 35-month project

Michael Zegans—SurgerySponsoring agency: University of California, San Francisco Project: “Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial and TANA II ”

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