Veterans ‘Walk Off the War’ (WCAX)



The Appalachian Trail (AT) winds its way directly through Hanover, so it is a common occurrence to pass thru-hikers during the summer months, as they make their way along the trail that runs from Georgia to Maine. This week in Hanover, President Emeritus James Wright had a chance-encounter with a former Marine who is hiking the AT as part of the Warrior Hike program, which raises money for wounded veterans, WCAX reports.

Wright, a former Marine and advocate for veterans, says programs like the Warrior Hike are important to the issues facing veterans. “Occasions like this provide opportunities to call all of our attention to it, as well as to provide an opportunity for veterans themselves to have a wonderful walk along a great trail,” Wright tells WCAX.

Watch the full story, broadcast 8/14/13 by WCAX.



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