Winner’s Circle: Kirsten Gillibrand (ESPN)


Winner's Circle ESPN
In an interview with ESPN’s Bonnie Bernstein, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand ’88 (D-NY), talks about the important role that sports have played throughout her life, including her time spent at Dartmouth, and more recently, during her career in politics.

A tennis player since age 10, the opportunity to continue playing sports in college was important, says Gillibrand. “One of the reasons why I admired and liked Dartmouth was because they had such an active sports program and women’s sports were so important,” Gillibrand says in the interview.

At Dartmouth, she was on the tennis team, but then took on a new sport—squash—after being recruited by the coach, says Gillibrand. She became the team’s captain during her senior year.

Sports have taught her many valuable lessons, says Gillibrand, including stamina. Her campaign in 2006 was “a lot like a marathon,” she says. “You knew it was a very long journey and that you had to have stamina and that you had to stick to it, and you couldn’t give up.”

Watch the full story, broadcast 8/13/13 on ESPNW.

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