As Job Market Changes, So Does College Career Services (NHPR)


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As a guest on NHPR, Dartmouth’s Roger Woolsey, director and senior assistant dean of the Center for Professional Development, discusses how the Center works with undergraduates during their post-graduation and career planning.

When searching for a job, Woolsey tells NHPR, he advises students to look at the broad picture. “A lot of students want to stay on the East Coast corridor and compete with students in Boston and compete with the folks that want jobs in New York or Philadelphia. There are great opportunities in the Midwest; there are great opportunities on the West Coast, and there are great opportunities down south.”

Woolsey also advises students to consider smaller markets. “They always want to work for the large brands, the big banks for example, or the big retail outlets, but what they need to begin to think about is that there are smaller companies, medium-size companies in small towns across the country that could utilize their services.”

Listen to the full story, broadcast 11/19/13 by NHPR.

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